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Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Fourteenth Day: Sick Day

Know what I did today? Laundry.
Know what else? NOTHING. 

I'm feeling a bit under-the-weather, and stayed in bed for the majority of the day.

I did, however, start reading this:

I know, I know. It sounds like a lame romance novel. It's actually pretty good so far. A man finds an abandoned baby in the woods when he's hunting. Interesting premise.

I also spent a good majority of the day watching "Extras" on Netflix. It's a hilarious comedy starring Ricky Gervais (The Michael Scott character on the British version of The Office). He plays an actor doing extra work, hoping to make it big. The best part about it is the barrage of celebrities playing caricatures of themselves. Check out this lovely little bit from Sir Ian McKellen. Hilarious. 

Also, Chris had a big meeting today at the University of Birmingham. He was gone from about 6:00am this morning until about 15 minutes ago. So I had the house all to myself to sleep off whatever this bug might be. 

Coming home, Chris caught the train right as it was pulling in, just in the nick of time, at TWO separate stations.  From his facebook status: "Great trip to Birmingham today! I thought I was doing so well just making it to two stations to barely catch the tube, then when I was feeling a little arrogant, I was humbled. One wrong turn coming out of Queensway Station and I am faced with 171 stairs. That plus the 76 to get to our flat sure wore me out. Goodnight all!"

Tomorrow, he has meetings in the city, so we'll be going in together. I'll definitely be out and about.

Slightly sorry for the lame post, but only slightly. On account of Sir Ian. (Action! Wizard! You shall not pass!) Ahhh, that sketch gets me every time. 

Kami & Chris, the Pseudo-Londoners

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are feeling better! The deep tube was a life saver in W11 ( for Chris's granddad and grandma )...cos of the steps/distance down!! last seconds of 'Atonement' - but a bugger now!
    Enjoy tomorrow.
