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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Sixth Day: What Chris Does All Day

Wednesday, February 12:
Today, I woke up at 10:30, (I stay up too late, you guys. I was up until 1:00am last night. I'm never getting over jetlag if I keep doing this) and I spent the majority of the day doing laundry at the laundromat, which I'd never done before. So that was pretty... exciting? Not. Not even a little bit. Carrying a giant bag of laundry down four flights of stairs, then paying someone money so that you can do one of the most tedious chores, and WAITING for it there, then carrying the laundry all the way up those same 4 flights? It's the worst. And I ended up paying more money than I needed to for it, on account of I didn't read directions. The dryer was on medium heat, so I spent about £1.50 more than I needed. But at least after 3 drying cycles, the man running the laundromat was kind enough to let me know.  But on the good side, the laundromat was SUPER warm because of all the dryers running, and I had a great conversation with a Slovakian man named Stephan, who reassured me that in the 10 years he'd lived in London, he'd only been robbed/mugged on the East Side. But most importantly, I started to read this book on my kindle.

This was a recommendation from Eric at FotoFly after going to one of the author's workshops at a photography conference. I'm only two chapters in, and I love it already. LOVE that I'm able to grow and learn, and expand my portrait photography abilities even though I'm on a leave of absence from work. 

So, because I wasn't too exciting today, you get to hear about what Chris does for work, which is the whole reason we're here.

Chris works for a company called Instructure, which runs a Learning Management System called Canvas. Basically, it's a program used for K-12 and Higher Education where teachers can input grades, or host discussions, administer assignments, etc.

Chris has been working for them as a Customer Success Manager for the past 18 months, as a representative for all the universities in Utah, as well as others throughout the nation (including Dartmouth!), AND University of Birmingham in the UK and City University of Hong Kong. Quite the busy guy.

However, he was recently promoted as a Solutions Engineer, which necessitated the move to London. They asked him to train a sales team of employees based in the UK, and act as a resource for them when they travel to schools to demonstrate their product.Tomorrow evening, he's taking the train to do a demo at the University of Hull. He'll be there until Friday evening, and I'll be home alone for the first time in a strange country! YIKES! (I'll be fine. Nothing bad happens on this side of the city, just ask Stephan.)

So, sorry for the lack of photos today. It was crazy windy and rainy here in the city, and I just didn't want to venture out too much. So there.  But what you DO get in the meanwhile is all of the photos from Chris's phone from our Harrods adventure!

Kami & Chris, the Pseudo-Londoners


  1. Hi there, don't worry, your Slovac friend is right ! If you are home alone Thursday evening there is a TV programme on BBC2 at 9pm called 'Bible Hunters' - you might find it interesting it's about early 19/20century people going to Egypt unearthing early Christian texts to shed light on the Bible stories. xx

  2. Love you guys! Enjoy fish&chips with curry sauce for me!
