Tuesday, April 29, 2014
I LOVE LAKE COMO, you guys. It's possibly the most beautiful place I've ever seen. And I've seen some really beautiful places, including St. Maarten in the Caribbean which is crazy-beautiful.
Seriously, look at this place:
This was the view from our B&B. There are three little comunes, or municipalities, that border Lake Como: Menaggio, Bellagio, and Varenna. We stayed in Varenna. But you can take a water-bus between all three very easily. |
Look at the colors of everything! I love this place. And look, you can see the Alps in the distance! |
So many gorgeous homes just scattered across the mountainside. I'd love to live in one, when I have like a billion dollars at my disposal. |
After checking out Varenna a little bit, we decided to head to Belaggio on the water-bus.
Looking toward Varenna from the water-bus. See that orange building on the shore, below the church? Now see the yellow building to the right of it? That's where we stayed. |
Varenna. Look at that church's bell tower! |
Varenna coast. |
I may be wrong, but I think this is the Bellagio coast? I can't really recall. It's not Varenna though. |
Yeah, I think Bellagio. |
Oh hey, bird! |
Oh yeah, this is where the water-bus docked. Definitely Bellagio. I remember now. |
All three of the coastal towns have little staircases like this that lead from the water-front up to the town squares. So cute. |
Chris was laughing so hard about these dog poop bags. "Bravo! You did it!" Haha. |
Such an amazing old church that has been converted into a private residence. I'd like to live there, please. |
I can't remember what he's doing, but look how proud he is about it! Haha. I love this goofball. |
Every place should have a plant-bench like this. |
This is another view of that amazing church-house. Look at it! I need it as my own! |
Chris, enjoying the most amazing gelato the world has ever known: Pear-Walnut! |
That's what sheer frozen-dairy-based-joy looks like. |
I had to be an idiot and get just plain Strawberry flavor. Which was still pretty good, but it wasn't that Pear-Walnut kind. |
We stopped into this little church on Bellagio. We were the only people in there. Like, no clergy or anything. It was strange. |
Look how gorgeous these mosaics are. They reflected the candle- and window-light perfectly. |
This is probably one of the most photographed streets in Italy. For good reason, look how great it is! |
Any time I see a lizard, I try to catch it. This guy was too quick for my hands, but he did not escape my shutter! Bwahaha. |
All hotels should be required to have iron gates with their names, amiright? |
Shortly before this photo was taken, we discovered a snake hanging out on the mountainside, just off the edge of the walkway. Hence the timid, half-frightened smile.
See? Ew. Get outta there, you sicko. You're ruining those cute flowers with your grossness. |
While we were on the Belaggio, we decided to take this train ride around town. In a little kids train. Like at the zoo. It was simultaneously the best and worst thing. It was only adults on the train with us. Ridiculous. |
I took this from the train because I liked what the shadow of the tree was doing. Then, we went back to Varenna to get some lunch, I think. |
The plants here. They COVER ALL THE THINGS. I love it. |
Oh, these three ugly little ducklings! We watched them for probably a good 45 minutes. I loved them. But it's sad because we came back the next day, and all three lifeless little bodies were just floating in the water. We think the mama drowned them, maybe? Who knows. I cried. |
Another view of Varenna, but I think this time, we're on the water-bus to Menaggio. |
SO BEAUTIFUL. I need to go back to here. |
This is what the water-busses look like. Cars drive up onto this part, and pedestrians sit up top. |
I don't even remember this street. But it looks gorgeous! Haha. |
So, who's ready to visit Lake Como with us? Come on over! I need to go again real bad.